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How to get sick: Use artificial sweetenersViews: 592
Jul 29, 2009 4:57 pmHow to get sick: Use artificial sweeteners#

Mirdza Hayden

The media keeps telling us that artificial sweeteneres are good for us, and at the same time the statistics show that obesity and disease levels are steadily rising. We need to stop believing the myth that artificial sweeteners like Splenda and NutraSweet are good for us; they are not good for our health at all. I used to buy Splenda all the time and I used to love getting Crystal Lite as a yummy low-caloric drink for my family, until I realized in horror from all my research that I was actually making us all sick. I now don't use or purchase any Splenda or other artificial sweeteners.

Here is an article from the "Biblical Health Daily" newsletter that I wanted to post about this issue.
How to Get Sick: Use Artificial Sweeteners

As bad as sugar can be in its various forms, artificial sweeteners are worse! Some are downright deadly because of their carcinogenic properties. Also, they are used in such high-volume products as diet soft drinks and sugar-free foods. Chief among sinners is aspartame, which is marketed as NutraSweet or Equal. Renowned diabetes expert Dr. H. J. Roberts believes there is a clear scientific link between aspartame and increased incidence of brain tumors, seizure disorders, chronic headaches, and hyperactivity in children. As for saccharin, the "cancer-causing" warning labels still apply. The newcomer on the block is sucralose (used in Splenda), but the jury of scientific research still seems to be awaiting further testimony on this one. (If the Maker didn't produce it "as is," then it probably isn't much better than the other synthetic sugar substitutes.)


Try to not anything sugary (other than fruit), but if you must add a sweetener to something, there are three things I can recommend: Blue Agave, honey, and Stevia extract. Stevia is the one that will last the longest and the least sticky of the three. If you bake, use organic sugar, but try to bake cookies, pies, cakes and other pastries as little as possible. If you crave icecream, allow yourself to have some one day a week, but only a small scoop of it. Make sure it is all natural..... Breyer's All Natural icecream is one of the best brands and is not too expensive.

Wishing you a fit, healthy and energetic day!

"Working from home helping people around the world"

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