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Family Fitness - Lead by Example www.familyfitnesspath.comViews: 662
Jul 14, 2009 4:42 amFamily Fitness - Lead by Example www.familyfitnesspath.com#

Tamara Parisio
Here is a blurb from the creators of this great product:

"In as little as 15 minutes a day, you can get an effective work out, while becoming the most important role model your child will ever have!

I want you to try an experiment for me. Next time you are sitting with your kids, sit up really straight with out telling them.

Watch as they straighten up their spines! That's a quick glimpse of role modeling and imitation learning at work. Your kids are copy cats..what kind of role model are you going to be?

The rate of obesity and diabetes is on the rise (300% increase among children in past ten years). Developing a positive family fitness attitude should start as soon possible!

We priced The Family Fitness Path at an affordable $ 39.99! Please forward this to your friends and family. I truly believe in The Family Fitness Path. I have seen it work with my own eyes.

I want to include a quote I heard on the Dr.Phil show just the other day- "Do it with them-- not to them" ( regarding the fitness and health of your kids. Broadcast: Tuesday Nov. 18th 2008). Right on Dr.Phil!

Thank you to all my friends and family who supported me through the" Birth" and I do mean birth of the product!! :)
Your feed back is embraced and welcomed...Love- Cindy

Please check us out at www.familyfitnesspath.com

Private Reply to Tamara Parisio

Jul 14, 2009 1:07 pmre: Family Fitness - Lead by Example www.familyfitnesspath.com#

Mirdza Hayden

I agree that it is so important to lead by example and to be a role model to our kids. Both my husband and I try to be the best role models we can for our kids, and our kids are following our footsteps, which is why they are fitter and healthier than the average american kid.

Tell us more about the Family Fitness Path, Tamara. Is it a fitness DVD? I will checkout the website when I get a chance today or tomorrow. (BTW, don't forget to put http:// infront of the sites for the link to be live). The live link is http://www.familyfitnesspath.com

Be a good role model to your kids =)

"Working from home helping people around the world"

Private Reply to Mirdza Hayden

Jul 14, 2009 3:27 pmre: re: Family Fitness - Lead by Example www.familyfitnesspath.com#

Tamara Parisio
The Family Fitness Path is a kit with oversized cards that simply show and tell about an exercise - modeled by children and adults.

The cards are coded - so you "lay out your path" beginning and ending with warm-up/cool-down cards (blue). Then you select cards for cardio, core strength, upper body, lower body, alternating these (and selecting as many or as few as your workout time allows).

Next, you just follow the routine set out for you. The kit also includes resistance bands. You can easily add other tools to expand your experience.

And, the cards show children and adults exercising together. My son loves to "be the kid" on the card!

Private Reply to Tamara Parisio

Jul 14, 2009 4:27 pmre: re: re: Family Fitness - Lead by Example www.familyfitnesspath.com#

Mirdza Hayden

Sounds like a good program that gets your whole family involved. I'm glad your son enjoys doing it as well.

"Working from home helping people around the world"

Private Reply to Mirdza Hayden

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