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Aging gracefullyViews: 680
Jul 10, 2009 12:45 pmAging gracefully#

Mirdza Hayden

So many people just blame "old age" for lost muscle, weight gain, arthritis and other "aches and pains". However, this is simply just an excuse. It's not age that makes us lose muscle or causes any of the other problems mentiones, it's not working out, not eating well, and just not taking care of ourselves in general that does it...

We can look, and FEEL, a lot younger than our "real age" if we take good care of ourselves by exercising, eating right, using good supplements and using non-toxic products on ourselves and to clean our homes. I'll be 40 this year, my husband is 45... we both look younger now than we did when we first got married 7 years ago. It's amazing what a healthy lifestyle can do! Most people think I am 25-28 years old, and they think my husband is about the same age. Living a healthy lifestyle can do amazing things to us. Living a healthy lifestyle can definitely help us age gracefully.

Forget saying "we were in such great shape when we were young, but now we are older and you know what that does...". Take care of yourself so you can enjoy life abundantly until the day you die.

"Working from home helping people around the world"

Private Reply to Mirdza Hayden

Jul 10, 2009 6:02 pmre: Aging gracefully#

nate COBB
You are so right you have to take care of your body while you are young if you want it to be good when you get older.


Private Reply to nate COBB

Jul 11, 2009 2:21 pmre: re: Aging gracefully#

Mirdza Hayden

Excatly =) The younger we start, the better off we are. We CAN make some major changes, though, even when we are older. We are never too old to start taking good care of ourselves.

"Working from home helping people around the world"

Private Reply to Mirdza Hayden

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