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The epidemic of Alzheimer'sViews: 643
Jun 27, 2009 1:46 pmThe epidemic of Alzheimer's#

Mirdza Hayden

** Did you know that "Every 71 seconds, someone in America develops Alzheimer's disease."?

** Did you know that "It is estimated that 5 million Americans have Alzheimer's today, presenting an enormous drain on both individual families and on our nation's economy."?

"As more and more baby boomers enter old age, Alzheimer's disease may well become the public health crisis of the 21st century. By the year 2050, it is estimated that as many as 16 million Americans will be afflicted.", says Raymond Fracis in is his newsletter. He adds, "This is a tragedy of truly monumental proportions, because very simple measures, which are already well-known, could turn the Alzheimer's epidemic around, saving tremendous heartache and hardship, and millions of dollars."

So what are these "simple measures" that can prevent Alzheimer's disease? They are measures that will keep us healthy overall and habits we should be taking not to just prevent Alzheimer's, but to LIVE AN ABUNDANTLY HEALTHY LIFE.

Here are the "simple measures" that he recommends us to take to prevent Alzheimer's:

1. Begin with a good diet. First, get the Big Four out of your life; sugar, white flour, processed oils, and milk products are huge contributors to our epidemic of chronic and degenerative disease.

2. Eat a minimum of five servings of fresh, organic fruit and vegetables every day.

3. Avoid all processed and fast foods.

4. Avoid coffee, carbonated drinks, snack foods, and french fries.

5. Get supermarket oils out of your life.

6. Supplement with omega-3 fats; people with the highest intake of fish oil have 70 percent lower risk.

7. Exercising your brain is also important. If you don't use it, you lose it. Read about new things, do crossword puzzles, play chess, learn new skills, and keep socially engaged.

8. Regular saunas are helpful to reduce toxic load.

9. Regular exercise has been found to be good for brain function. Exercise for at least 30 minutes daily and definitely include rebounding in your regimen. Everyone needs to be rebounding!

"...one of the most important things anyone can do is stop eating sugar-an incredibly dangerous poison. Then get the mercury, fluoride, aluminum and all processed foods and oils out of your life. The combination of good food and supplemental omega-3 fats, B vitamins, magnesium, and vitamins C and E will give you enormous protection."

Get healthy for life and prevent not only Alzheimer's but also others degenerative diseases. Walking the path of health is the smartest thing anyone can do.

"Working from home helping people around the world"

Private Reply to Mirdza Hayden

Jun 28, 2009 3:35 pmre: The epidemic of Alzheimer's#

Susan Graves
If you have elder friends/family make time for them, get them mentaly involved
in something/anything. Having watched my Nana die from Alzheimer's its
a very long slow process. Its a heart breaking disease and I am so glad there
are so many more outlets for people to learn about Alzheimer's.

Keep reading and learning, its excerise for your brain.

Susan Graves

Work From Home Team Leader
Take a Sniff

Private Reply to Susan Graves

Jun 29, 2009 11:05 amre: The epidemic of Alzheimer's#

Diane Speaker
I am totally in agreement with you Mirdza - nutrition is extremely important. In all my years of growing up on a farm with lots "old people" in my life, there was never a person with Alzheimer's. But think about it - those people were eating healthy food that came out of healthy soil (no chemicals)that were eaten in their healthy state - not processed.

Even if people eat "right" today, the nutrients are not in the foods. Our soils are depleted of nutrients and/or filled with chemicals so the foods harvested out of the ground have very little or no nutrients. Every disease is on the rise as a result. It's very sad. People are lulled into believing if they eat "right" they will be OK. They will not. They need very, very good supplements - not (most) over the counter products with fillers and chemicals. The state of our health proves that.

The supplements that I eat are all whole foods and all natural. I would not even have to eat food if I didn't want to. I get all the nutrients I need in my supplements. A lady in Canada lived on them for almost 2 years when she was healing her body of diabetes.

Rich & Diane
Business Builders

Private Reply to Diane Speaker

Jun 29, 2009 3:12 pmre: re: The epidemic of Alzheimer's#

Mirdza Hayden

Yes, reading and learning keeps our minds active. Playing games like scrabble and crossword puzzles, or even chess, are great activities for the mind as well. There are so many things we can do to keep our mind active.

"Working from home helping people around the world"

Private Reply to Mirdza Hayden

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