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Don't forget any of the components of exerciseViews: 665
Jun 13, 2009 2:41 pmDon't forget any of the components of exercise#

Mirdza Hayden

There are three components and you need every single one of them to be truly fit: cardiovascular training, muscle endurance and training, and flexibility. Each component is important, so don't forget any of them. I will talk about each of the components separately on this thread, why they are important and what exercises can be done to improve that particular component, so stay tuned.

Fitness and Health Coach

Private Reply to Mirdza Hayden

Jun 18, 2009 11:32 pmre: Don't forget any of the components of exercise#

Mirdza Hayden

The first component, and the most popular one of all, is the CARDIORESPIRATORY one, also called Cardio training. This is the first exercise most people think of when wanting to lose weight. Cardio exercise examples are walking, jogging running, elliptical machine, treadmill,swimming, skating and aerobic class.

Cardiorespiratory endurance/training strengthens our heart and our lungs. It's definitely very important to strenthen these organs, but we need to keep in mind that this is not the only type of exercise there is. We need to incorporate the other two components as well in our weekly routine - muscle endurance and training, and flexibility. I will talk about the other two in a seperate post.

Keep doing your cardio, but make sure you leave room in your week for the other two components that are just as important ;)

Fitness and Health Coach

Private Reply to Mirdza Hayden

Jun 23, 2009 6:42 pm5 reasons to develop Muscular Strength and Endurance#

Mirdza Hayden

It’s important to develop muscular strength and endurance because

1. We are able to perform our daily tasks a lot easier (like opening a bottle, taking out the trash, mowing the lawn);

2. Our posture improves because our neck and back muscles are stronger and more flexible preventing neck and back aches;

3. Our joints have less stress on them so we won’t have major problems with our knees, hips and shoulders;

4. Our major organs will be protected (strong abs protect our digestive organs; strong shoulder, chest, and back muscles helps our cardiorespiratory efficiency);

5. We will be able to do a lot better at our favorite sports like basketball, volleyball, swimming, or soccer.

Muscular Strength and Muscular Endurance are related but are not the same. Muscular Strength is basically lifting as heavy as you can for a short period of time, so for example lifting as heavy as you can for 8-10 or 10-12 reps. Muscles Endurance is basically lifting light weights or doing bands that give us minimal resistance for a longer period of time than the activities we would perform for muscular strength. Muscular Strength activities can produce more Muscular Endurance, but focusing on Muscular Endurance activities does not necessarily mean we will achieve more strength or larger muscles.

Make sure you do both muscular strength and muscular endurance activities =) Include them in your weekly exercise program.

Fitness and Health Coach

Private Reply to Mirdza Hayden

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